Tuesday, August 18, 2009

August in Zambia

August in Zambia reminds me of home. There is a feeling that inhabits the air, one that brings memories of early autumn. It's a foreshadowing, or promise if you will, of the things to come. A feeling the color of grey, yet alive and bright. A wind with just the hint of a bite. It's the first stirrings of the days to come, and it makes me want to go and dig out my gloves and stocking hat - but not quite yet. A cool breeze not too cool, yet just cool enough to speak of crisp mornings, and days spent working in the yard wearing a coat for protection from cold wind.

It's the feel of cold cheeks and hands warm from work outdoors on days alive with Fall. It's sunsets clouded in haze as the wind blows the last bits of summer through the air. It makes me think of October, that Halloween will be here soon, and Christmas on it's way. Thoughts of wind, snow, and ice - of chilly days and pumpkin pie.

Then I remember where I am - Zambia. October is the hottest month of the year here, and December not much cooler. There will be no Halloween. Christmas will be just another summer day spent alone. Once again John will be working, or sleeping recovering from working all the night before. How I miss autumn!

But still today it's late August in Zambia, and there's that look in the sky, that bite in the air! Soon it will be Halloween......................

1 comment:

  1. I swear! If I had your talent....... You are quite the writer. I could feel the ambience as I read.
