Monday, February 8, 2010


Well here I am, living yet another day in paradise...... The weather was absolutely beautiful today. The rains have turned my yard, and surrounding enviorns, into a lush carpet of green filled with birds of all shapes and sizes singing from dawn to dusk. The golf course now has impala, and zebra, and at nite it isn't unusual to see a large owl keeping watch over my yard, perched atop the fencepost.

Some say the Great Rift Valley was where human life began on this planet, with Broken Hill being the site of some of the oldest known human-like remains. (Broken hill is named after the old Broken Hill Mine - in Kabwe, just outside Lusaka) After living here over three years I tend to agree that yes, the Garden of Eden, if it indeed exists/existed is/was located somewhere in or very near to Zambia.

Life is old here, and in some ways still very simple. The earth still provides bananas, plantains, mangos, papayas, guavas, casavas, all growing wild for the taking. Time is fluid, and not given great importance. Most people 20 years old or older cannot give you their birthdate, or birth year with any certainty - they just make a stab at how old they think they are, and pick a date that they like. Here there seems to be overwhelming support for the old addage "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," or even if it is, don't rush into action - let things work themselves out.

I read today that it is important to keep a sense of challange in your life - here that seems to me to be especially true. It is all too easy to slip into the place of living with perfect weather, pleniful food, shelter, etc. and become an unthinking mass of inactivity.

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